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PALEMBANG, Indonesia

Jumat, 29 Juli 2011


   Back in 2000, when i was in the second grade of Junior High School, one day i listened to one song on my radio, it was a sad and romantic song titled "girl", sung by a boy named Leandro (later on i knew his full name was Leandro Moldes). it became one of my fave song at that time though i had not seen his face. Then, time went by, it has been 11 years since i heard the song for the first time, a few days ago this memory about him and his song popped up on my mind and.. i wonder about him eversince, where in the world is Leandro now? ( i heard he now lives in Germany), what does he do for a living? is he okay now? but more over....why he stopped being a singer when he only appeared with one album, i think he has a beautiful voice, why he quit? oh Leandro, where are you now? i miss u oh so bad :(
for a reminder, here's i show u his songs, it's kinda oldschool but still a beautiful voice and song to enjoy, taken from youtube

Leandro ~ Girl

Leandro~ What Will I Become

   Apparently it is not only me who is now curious about him, i seen so many people who feel the same with me, on the internet, especially youtube. He's so mysterious, why did such a talented kid disappear when he was on the top of his stardom? some people even said that he died, hah really? but i never found any article on the internet says that he died? lol get real people, i don't know hy but i'm pretty sure he's somewhere on the other half of the globe and HE IS DOING OKAY ^^ . Maybe any of you who are reading this post was or is still a fan of Leandro, i hope u could tell me about her current condition, or if it's Leandro himself reading this, i just want you to know that I MISS U.